Thermal Control and Design
Thermal Control and Design
- Thierry Tirolien
Thermal Control and Design
- Harrie Rooijackers (ATG-Europe)
Thermal Control and Design
- Philipp Hager (ESA)
Thermal Control and Design
- Victor Cleren (ESA)
The Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment (SPICE) instrument is one of ten instruments comprising the science payload of ESA’s Solar Orbiter mission. Launched in February 2020, and successfully commissioned by July, SPICE was built at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and is a high resolution imaging spectrometer operating at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths.
With Solar...
The exploration of the Earth’s Moon has become a topic of great interest in recent years to both private and governmental entities. ispace is aiming to be the enabler for private industry to access new business opportunities on the Moon by capitalizing on lunar resources and expanding our presence in space. The Polar Ice Explorer (PIE) is an in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) exploration...
In the scope of Ariane 6 development, thermal analyses are performed on the cryogenic cavities of the launcher 1st and 2nd stages. The Vulcan Aft Bay (VuAB), or cavity near the Vulcan 2.1 engine, experiences extreme heat differences between the engine exhaust, booster plumes, aerothermal fluxes, and its bottom liquid hydrogen tank and associated lines. Furthermore the thermal environment on...
Compact efficient Counter Flow Heat EXchangers (CFHEX) or recuperators are crucial components of recuperative coolers, such as Joule-Thomson and Turbo-Brayton coolers. Also in cryogenic systems that apply a convective cooling loop, in which a working fluid is circulated by a warm pump and cooled by a cryocooler, high-effectiveness recuperators are essential. In a collaboration project of ESA,...
A new white colored Kapton has been developed by DuPont. It is available in two versions: Kapton WS (White Shinny) and Kapton MW (Matte White). An evaluation of this material, with different surface depositions, for its use on space applications as thermal control foil has been successfully carried out by Airbus DS in Madrid, in cooperation with DuPont and Astral Technology Unlimited (ATU)....
TARANIS Micro Satellite with 8 Scientific Instruments: Thermal Control System Design and Verification
Christophe Daniel, Maxime Andre
CNES (French Space Agency), Toulouse, 31400, France
TARANIS (Tools for the Analysis of RAdiation from lightNIngs and Sprites) is a microsatellite of the CNES Myriade family (≈200 kg and ≈180 W). TARANIS is on a quasi-polar sun-synchronous orbit at an...
Radiator degradation in orbit is of interest as it is one of the main drivers for the radiator sizing. Information from ground testing and LEO flight samples are abundantly available but not for GEO S/C. With 7 years of telemetry data from a radiator dedicated to the Laser Communication Terminal at the GEO satellite Alphasat insights into solar absorptivity increase of the radiator’s surface...
JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer) spacecraft will provide a thorough investigation of the Jupiter system in all its complexity with emphasis on the three potentially ocean-bearing Galilean satellites, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto, and their potential habitability.
The JUICE spacecraft will carry the most powerful remote sensing, geophysical, and in situ payload complement ever flown to the...