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17–18 Nov 2022
Montreal, Canada - Concordia University Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

Status of MIRIAM-2 (Main Inflated Reentry Into the Atmosphere Mission test) a precursor Mission for the Mars Ballute ARCHIMEDES (Aerial Robot Carrying High resolution Imaging, Magnetometer Experiment and Direct Environmental Sensors) (virtual)

18 Nov 2022, 12:00
Rooms A&B (Montreal, Canada - Concordia University Conference Centre)

Rooms A&B

Montreal, Canada - Concordia University Conference Centre

John-Molson School of Business
Moving to Mars Workshop: 17-18 November


Dr Tanja Lehmann


Status of MIRIAM-2 (Main Inflated Reentry Into the Atmosphere Mission test) a precursor Mission for the Mars Ballute ARCHIMEDES (Aerial Robot Carrying High resolution Imaging, Magnetometer Experiment and Direct Environmental Sensors).
Since 2003 the Mars Society Germany works on a project called ARCHIMEDES (Aerial Robot Carrying High Resolution Imaging, Magnetometer Experiment and Direct Environmental Sensors). This project aims to send a spacecraft with a folded balloon to Mars, inflate the balloon (also called ballute) outside of the martian atmosphere and perform an atmospheric entry by means of aerobraking, while at the same time scientific measurements will be performed, e.g. temperatures, pressures, magnetic field data, to name only a few.
Currently the Mars Society is working on MIRIAM-2 (Main Inflated Reentry Into the Atmosphere Mission test 2), which is a sub-project to prove the scientific and technical concept for the ARCHIMEDES Mars mission. MIRIAM-2 is reduced in scale by 1:2,5 compared to the ARCHIMEDES probe and will be used for evaluation of the ballute systems and entry behaviour of the ballon into the atmosphere during a sounding rocket flight from Kiruna/Sweden.
The MIRIAM-2 spacecraft will consist of 3 parts: The Camera Module Spacecraft (CMS), the Ballute Spacecraft (BSC) and the Service Spacecraft (SSC).
The CMS will record the ballute inflation and separation and send the data back to the ground station for later evaluation.
The SSC contains the ballute inflation system and the cold gas system and also the separation mechanism for deploying the ballute.
The BSC consists of the ballute and an instrument pod carrying various scientific instruments for the purpose of determining the trajectory flown, the ballute behavior, the entry temperature and also scientific instruments.
The talk will present the MIRIAM-2 probe and its technical features and scientific instruments, the design, manufacturing and testing of the spacecraft, the mission profile and goals and the current progress of the project.

Presentation materials

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