Nov 17 – 18, 2022
Montreal, Canada - Concordia University Conference Centre
Canada/Eastern timezone

Artificial Intelligence techniques for space surveillance application: developing a detection tool of abnormal satellite behavior based on observed trajectories.

Nov 18, 2022, 11:40 AM
Rooms A&B (Montreal, Canada - Concordia University Conference Centre)

Rooms A&B

Montreal, Canada - Concordia University Conference Centre

John-Molson School of Business
Moving to Mars Workshop: 17-18 November


Mr Julien Côté-Massicotte (Artelys) carlyle deligny (artelys)


Space activity is constantly increasing with approximately 500,000 pieces of space debris orbiting the Earth. In this context, and to meet the operational needs of surveillance and analysis missions, the French innovation and defense agency (AID) launched a call for projects on artificial intelligence techniques for space surveillance. Artelys was selected to develop a tool (DASTra) for near-real-time detection of abnormal satellite behavior based on observed trajectories.

Artelys aims at developing a tool for the classification of satellite characteristics according to its trajectory. The objective of this tool is to be able to identify the propulsive capabilities of an observed satellite, whether it is known or not. In operational conditions, DASTra will follow the trajectories of a set of satellites in real-time and its objective is to quickly identify the satellites whose trajectories become abnormal.

After presenting the background and objectives of the project, we will review the approach adopted and the underlying challenges.

Primary authors

Mr Julien Côté-Massicotte (Artelys) carlyle deligny (artelys)

Presentation materials