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25–27 Oct 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

NanoXplore - Linux goes to space in Ultra7

27 Oct 2022, 10:40
Newton Conference Center (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton Conference Center



Mr Kassem Chouayakh (NanoXplore)


The journey began with a small FPGA device called NG-MEDIUM. Then the first Rad-Hard Cortex R5 Macro is introduced in NG-LARGE. Later, the FPGA became a real-time application-oriented System-on-chip with a huge reconfigurable logic capacity (NG-ULTRA). Now it is time to go one step further and have a complex SoC with Cortex A and Cortex R processors. Thanks to the DUROC project, Nanoxplore has initiated the development of a SoC FPGA - Ultra7 on 7nm FinFET which will be the most advanced process node for space.

Presentation materials