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25–27 Oct 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

NASA’s Vision for Spaceflight Computing

27 Oct 2022, 09:10
Newton Conference Center (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton Conference Center



Mr Wesley A. Powell (NASA)


Future NASA mission applications demand onboard computing performance, power efficiency, and flexibility not available from current products. To address these needs, NASA’s High Performance Spaceflight Computing (HPSC) project is developing a radiation hardened, general purpose multi-core processor. Key HPSC objectives include natural space radiation hardness, fault tolerance, computation performance and extensibility, and power scalability. This presentation will first highlight how advances in spaceflight computing are key to NASA’s envisioned future for advanced avionics. Descriptions will then be provided for NASA mission applications and use cases that demand advanced spaceflight computing. The presentation will then provide an overview of NASA’s HPSC project and how it will address the computational demands of future missions.

Presentation materials