2–6 Oct 2023
ANTIPOLIS - Palais des Congrès d'Antibes
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Advanced and Safe Satellite Electronics Design by LCL Utilisation on Component Level

4 Oct 2023, 09:40
Salle Sidney Bechet

Salle Sidney Bechet

Presentation Use of COTS in OBC / OBDP and Signal Processing Systems Session 11 - Component Developments for OBDH Systems


Mr Bojan Kotnik (SkyLabs d.o.o.)

Primary author

Mr Bojan Kotnik (SkyLabs d.o.o.)


Mr Matic Erker (SkyLabs d.o.o.) Mr David Selcan (SkyLabs d.o.o.) Mr Dejan Gacnik (SkyLabs d.o.o.) Mr Tomaz Rotovnik (SkyLabs d.o.o.) Mr Iztok Kramberger (University of Maribor) Mr Antonios Tavoularis (ESA) Mr Gianluca Furano (ESA) Mr Mihalis Tourloukis (ESA) Mr Boris Glass (ESA) Mr Liam Murphy (ESA)

Presentation materials