2–6 Oct 2023
ANTIPOLIS - Palais des Congrès d'Antibes
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Radiation Test Results Demonstrating Operate-through Capability of an ESA Application Using Software Mitigation on a COTS GPU

4 Oct 2023, 11:30
Salle Sidney Bechet

Salle Sidney Bechet

Presentation Developments in On-Board Data Processing Frameworks, Architectures and Building Blocks Session 14 - Radiation Tests and Evaluation for OBDH Systems


Dr Ian Troxel (Troxel Aerospace Industries) Umut Cindemir (Unibap AB)

Primary authors

Dr Ian Troxel (Troxel Aerospace Industries) Matt Gruber (Troxel Aerospace Industries) Daniel Sabogal (Troxel Aerospace Industries) Umut Cindemir (Unibap AB)


Dr Maris Tali (ESA) Mrs Alessandra Costantino (ESA) Mr Matt Gruber (Troxel Aerospace Industries) Dr Ian Troxel (Troxel Aerospace Industies) David Steenari (ESA) Mr Oskar Flordal (Unibap AB) Mr Eric Brune (Unibap AB)

Presentation materials