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2–6 Oct 2023
ANTIPOLIS - Palais des Congrès d'Antibes
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

A retrospective of some key European achievements in the domain of Spacecraft On-board Data Handling and Data Processing

2 Oct 2023, 11:50


Presentation Keynote Presentations


Remi Roques (Airbus)


About the Keynote:
Taking the best of dramatically increasing capabilities of on-ground computing solutions while sustaining the space environment and operating with scarce physical sources has been the continuous challenge of spacecraft on-board data handling and processing over the last three decades. The speech will present a retrospective of some key European achievements and will highlight sometimes unexpected converging trends between classical satellites, space infrastructures, launchers and large constellations.

About the Presenter:
Remi Roques is Senior Expert Avionics and on-board data handling major spacecraft component manager at Airbus DS Space Systems. His career started in network protocol development research and was followed by many years on the European segment of the ISS (Columbus laboratory, ISS payloads) as system engineer and project manager. He then played an active role in the definition and deployment of several generations of Airbus product lines for data management and processing chains serving both institutional and commercial domains.

Presentation materials