EDHPC Tutorial - OBDP: Overview of On-Board Processing Technologies for future missions (ESA)
- David Merodio Codinachs (ESA)
- Laurent Hili (ESA)
The tutorial will start by introducing the concept of ESA mission class, followed by a presentation showing the mostly commonly used devices in ESA payloads, onboard computers (OBC) and instruments control unit (ICU). While rad hard parts may not need radiation mitigation techniques at board / equipment level, rad tolerant device on the contrary may require extra care to mitigate “single failure interrupt” (SEFI). SEFI mitigation techniques will be addressed in this presentation.
This tutorial is dedicated to young professionals and companies with limited experience related to space onboard processing technologies. The tutorial will provide the audience with a non-exhaustive but broad overview of the technologies used in ESA class 1,2,3, missions.
What will you learn?
Participants will learn about ESA mission class differentiation. Participants will learn about FPGAs, SoC FPGAs and processors used or planned to be used in ESA class 1,2,3 missions. Attendees learn about SEFI mitigation techniques.