16–19 Oct 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

The Ecobox project - developing a toolbox for Ecodesign

18 Oct 2023, 11:30


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
ecodesign for space Ecodesign for Space


Ariane Bouilly (AirbusDS) Perrine Cau


As many other actors in the sector, Airbus Defence and Space (ADS) is facing increasing internal and external requests for environmental evaluations and improvements of products in terms of sustainability. The needs are diverse, ranging from fast alternative assessments to external declarations. The resources, methods & tools to reply to these needs can be as various as the needs themselves. Up to now, ADS is not equipped with any clear unique framework or guidelines specifying which resources and methods are the ones to be used to reply to the needs.

The global objective of the project is to create a consolidated toolbox - the Ecobox - for products environmental evaluations and ecodesign guidelines. Trainings, evaluation tools, sustainability databases, processes or even network of identified Points of contacts are all the more means that will be consolidated in the toolbox.
The Ecobox will be a methodological platform, enabling the whole community of engineers to efficiently work on the question of products' environmental footprint and sustainability. This is seen as a first essential step into the engineering sustainability journey, providing solid foundation to the consideration of the topic and allowing it to grow bigger in the future. Value management is now a must in the innovation process, Design to Sustainability will then be a clear objective of the next developments.

In 2023, the first step has been to better identify and understand the business needs, expectations and objectives regarding sustainability considerations for the products, systems and solutions developed by ADS. Interviews have been conducted to directly collect inputs and contributions from various teams across ADS engineering community and other parts of the company.

Our presentation would focus on the presentation of the Ecobox project and its first outcomes. A particular focus will be made on the SEEDS tool, a Simplified Ecodesign Evaluation for new Development in Space currently being developed by the ADS mechanical & thermal & robotics advanced project engineering team in the frame of an ADS-CNES contract.

Primary authors

Presentation materials