16–19 Oct 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

Toward a Circular Space Economy: Overcoming Blockers for Sustainability

19 Oct 2023, 09:48


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands


Ms Portia Bowman (Growbotics Space Ltd)


In recent years, the escalating space debris problem and the finite nature of our resources have spurred a critical need to reevaluate our approach to satellite missions and operations. To address these challenges and foster a more sustainable space ecosystem, the concept of a circular economy on orbit has emerged. This presentation will delve into the key aspects of this paradigm shift, highlighting the significance of circular design principles and the impact of market dynamics on its successful implementation.

Moving towards a circular space economy is vital to continue using space sustainably. Disposal should be a last resort, but is currently fundamentally the only option due to the way we design spacecraft in the first place. Growbotics, a new space company, has been founded to address some of the blockers hindering a circular space economy. We aim to shed light on the significance of integrating Design for Manufacture, Assembly, Repair (DFMAR) principles into spacecraft design rather than the conventional approach. By prioritizing maintenance, repair, re-use, and recycling in the design phase, we can revolutionize space missions and satellite technology. This talk will explore the potential benefits of circular design, including reduced space debris, minimized resource consumption, and enhanced cost-effectiveness.

Primary author

Ms Portia Bowman (Growbotics Space Ltd)


Dr Chris Brunskill (Growbotics Space Ltd)

Presentation materials