Invited Talk: Basics and definitions for Laser Testing of Single-Event Effects

11 Sept 2024, 09:40
Newton 2 (ESA-ESTEC)

Newton 2


Keplerlaan 1 NL-2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands




The laser method for Single-Event Effects testing is based on the photoelectric interaction of a short and focused laser pulse with the semiconductor material of a device to mimic the transient and localized track of electron-hole pairs that is produced by primary or secondary ionizing particles from radiation environments. We will briefly introduce the fundamentals of the laser testing technique, including an overview of the physical and experimental parameters of the main variants of the technique as well as their main advantages and limitations. Useful concepts like the laser cross section and the equivalent linear energy transfer will be defined and illustrated by recent results. Elements of methodology will be presented together with practical guidelines for an efficient and pertinent use of the laser testing technique for characterizing SEEs in modern devices.

Presentation materials