12–13 Jun 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Efficient, COTS-based radiation shielding studies of composite materials

12 Jun 2024, 10:50
Short pitch (max 5 mins)


Dora Biro (University of Debrecen, Genevation Ltd.)


Composite materials provide an alluring alternative for radiation shielding in mass-sensitive environments such as spaceborne applications. The typical design flow starts with selecting key materials for the composite, determining the environment where it would be used, use some computer program, like Spenvis to determine the typical radiation spectra and use energy-transport programs, like Geant4 to optimize the composition to achieve the best shielding. When the pre-selection of materials is done based on simulation results it is mandatory to test the solution with irradiating the resulting material and measuring its shielding properties. To register the dose with and without shielding could be done with conventional detectors. In my talk I would like to give a cost efficient alternative to this traditional approach by introducing an COTS-based electronic framework which uses readily available COTS electronic components and matched measurement units to quantify the shielding efficiency of composite materials.

Primary author

Dora Biro (University of Debrecen, Genevation Ltd.)


Prof. Adam Kardos (University of Debrecen, Genevation Ltd.)

Presentation materials