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12–13 Jun 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Thales Alenia Space activities in Space radiation shielding studies for manned missions

13 Jun 2024, 10:50
Full length presentation (~20 mins)


Luca Bocchini (Thales Alenia Space)


Developing and studying radiation protection shielding solutions is of paramount importance as enabling technologies for manned exploration missions beyond Low Earth orbit (LEO). As astronauts venture further into space, they face increased exposure to space radiation, which poses significant health risks.
Thales Alenia Space (TAS), a leading space technology company, has been and is currently involved in multiple projects and studies focused on radiation shielding technologies for manned explorations TAS's involvement primarily centres around its system engineering capabilities, innovative shielding materials and solution, complex Monte Carlo simulations, and as potential user of the developed technologies, as it is a leader in orbital infrastructure for human flight.
The aim of the talk is to give an overview of the TAS activities and expertise in radiation shielding projects l(e.g. PERSEO, SR2S,ROSSNI; HEARTS). Additionally, leveraging the experience gained from the PERSEO project, TAS has collaborated with D-AIR LAB to explore the development of a radiation protection suit for potential use in manned exploration missions beyond low Earth orbit (LEO).

Primary author

Luca Bocchini (Thales Alenia Space)

Presentation materials