12–13 Jun 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Materials behavior under space radiations: modelisation, methology and problematics

13 Jun 2024, 09:30
Full length presentation (~20 mins)


Elisabeth Laurent (Laurent)


With constant evolutions in materials composition due to regulation, geo-political issues or innovation, materials resistance under radiation is still an important chapter in materials qualification. With the cost and duration issues, rationale to perform or not testing is weighted carefully. On the other hand, with more stringent mission and extended mission duration, an adequate approach in order not to overtest materials is needed.
In this background, this presentation will recall a quick overview of COMET CNES workshop on modelisation and impact of space radiations on materials to focus on some tools and modelisation means for evaluation radiation effects on materials. In a second part, methodology for testing materials behavior under radiations will be described.

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