12–13 Jun 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Design and optimization of shielding for human exploration missions using FASTRAD software

12 Jun 2024, 14:50


Dr Rémi Benacquista (TRAD)


FASTRAD is a software dedicated to the assessment of radiation effects in space. It is conceived, developed and distributed by TRAD. It contains various tools including modeling, calculation (with GEANT4 physics-based Monte-Carlo and Ray-tracing methods) and post-processing tools. We present here the main functionalities available to design, study and optimize the shielding in the scope of human exploration missions. Ongoing developments that will be include in the next version of FASTRAD are also discussed, notably the integration of Monte-Carlo calculation for heavy ions. We also present some of the current projects for space explorations we’re involved in, notably two PhD theses: one on the use of regolith as a shielding for lunar habitat (by Yulia Akisheva) and another one, on manned missions to Mars, including the development of an environment model as well as a multi-layer shielding optimization (by Gabin Charpentier).

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