12–13 Jun 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

ROSSINI Projects: Advancements in Radiation Shielding for Manned Missions

13 Jun 2024, 11:35
Full length presentation (~20 mins)


Luca Bocchini (Thales Alenia Space)


The ROSSINI (Radiation Shielding by ISRU and Innovative Materials for EVA, Vehicles, and Habitats) projects, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), were dedicated to investigating innovative shielding techniques for deep space and planetary manned exploration missions. Several passive shielding material solutions were studied, manufactured and tested during the projects evolution, including Moon and Mars regolith simulants, as well as multilayer and composite materials and innovative materials with high Hydrogen content. Test campaigns were conducted during the projects to evaluate the selected materials' shielding effectiveness using high-energy ions and proton beams. The experimental results were compared with various Monte Carlo simulation codes, such as Geant4/GRAS, PHITS, and FLUKA.

Additionally, complex simulation models were developed to evaluate radiation fields in different mission scenarios, including deep space, moon and Mars surface missions. These activities also led to the creation of a Reference Radiation Simulation Scenarios, a collection of MC macros and detailed geometry models with the purpose to provide access to end-users in the space (exploration) domain to realistic modular geometry elements for their radiation simulations. As a result of these activities, a Reference Radiation Simulation Scenarios was created. This comprises a collection of Monte Carlo models, specifically designed to offer end-users in the space exploration field access to realistic modular geometry elements for their radiation simulations.

Primary author

Luca Bocchini (Thales Alenia Space)

Presentation materials