The high-energy particle composition below approximately 10 g/cm^2 of spacecraft and instrument material has been studied as a function of solar activity with galactic cosmic rays and solar energetic particles (SEPs) by using the images of the Metis coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter in the years 2020-2024.
A visual analysis of cosmic-ray matrices obtained with an algorithm implemented in the Metis electronics and Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out to study the composition of particles at the origin of the Solar Orbiter spacecraft's deep charging.
Proton energy spectra incident on the Solar Orbiter spacecraft measured by EPD/HET have been used as input data for the simulations.
We stress the importance of measuring SEP fluxes on board long-term space missions above hundreds of MeV, found to play a key role in affecting the performance of instruments hosted on board the satellites. To this end, we present the design of a new detector developed by the INFN-HASPIDE Collaboration.