8–11 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Astrobrake: the importance of focusing on reliability and simplicity for deorbiting LEO spacecraft

9 Oct 2024, 14:20
Highbay (Erasmus)



De-orbit and Passivation Technologies Zero Debris


Jordan Culeux (Gama)


Recent regulatory changes mandate that spacecraft must possess reliable deorbiting capabilities, requiring all subsystems to remain operational after extended periods in space. Ensuring high reliability presents significant challenges for manufacturers due to time and budget constraints. Astrobrake's simple and spacecraft-independent design inherently ensures high reliability. However, limitations include reduced effectiveness at high altitudes, dependency on solar activity, and challenges in debris avoidance.

This analysis aims to understand the cost implications of achieving reliability in deorbiting systems and proposes a system that meets end-of-life regulations with minimal impact on spacecraft design. It includes a cost analysis to assess financial burdens, a review of regulatory demands and a comparative analysis is performed against electric propulsion and other deorbiting method.

Primary author


Mr Andrew Nutter (Gama)

Presentation materials