Oct 8 – 11, 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The Assessment and Comparison Tool - Status and next steps for the simplified, space-specific, prospective LCA tool

Oct 9, 2024, 2:00 PM
Auditorium (Erasmus)



Tools and Strategies for Ecodesign in Space EcoDesign


Emmanuelle David (EPFL) Marnix VerkammenMr Mathieu Udriot (EPFL Space Center)


The Assessment and Comparison Tool (ACT) combines simplified Life Cycle Assessment with space-specific technical information to compute the environmental impacts of (future) space systems.

The tool is in its second development phase (project REACT). Originally developed to compute rapid prospective LCAs of launch vehicles, ACT’s new objectives cover the wider scope of space transportation services, including space and ground segments. It will enable a more comprehensive set of systems boundaries, implement better models, and embed improved features to provide valuable results in early design phases. These results can be used to support decisions about the architecture and the precise design of a system or mission.

Since the presentation at the CleanSpace Industry Days 2023, the REACT consortium has worked on the new software requirements, and the consolidated LCA methodology. New features providing useful results for informed (eco)design decision-making include a link between REACH and LCA, information about critical raw materials, and new launch and reentry emissions estimations. Ideas to couple LCA with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and Mode-Based Systems Engineering are being discussed too.

Project REACT is bound to last until the end of 2025, with the implementation of new features starting in Q3 2024. In parallel to the tool development, gaps about environmental impacts, data availability, or LCA methodology have been identified and proposed for research projects. Some proposals are being discussed at European level with support from agencies, industries, and academia. The consortium is also actively following and participating in the task force discussions around the updates of the ESA LCA guidelines.

Primary author

Mr Mathieu Udriot (EPFL Space Center)


Presentation materials