8–10 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Thermal Control System: a design data model to facilitate digital continuity

8 Oct 2024, 14:00


thermal analysis and software tools Thermal Analysis


Alexandre Darrau (ESA)Mrs Elaheh Maleki (ESA)


The use case presented in this presentation is the Model Based Thermal Control Design (MBTCD). This activity is initiated in parallel to the DOTEP (Digitalization Of the space Thermal Engineering Process). DOTEP focuses on developing a prototype of a data model for thermal engineering processes from conceptual, to logical and physical data. However, MBTCD is focusing on the first layer (conceptual layer). The final output of this activity can be integrated with SSO and DOTEP to ensure the digital continuity. Moreover, it can create a framework for interface management between different space engineering domains. This will facilitate for instance CDF studies where domain engineers need to work concurrently with each other. The main objectives of MBTCS are then:
• Manual work reduction by digital continuity in data from design phase to analysis phase.
• Design knowledge reuse.
• Review processes optimization.
• Design performance estimation improvement.
This has the capability to enhance industry databases, thereby fostering digital continuity.

Primary author

Mrs Elaheh Maleki (ESA)


Presentation materials