8–10 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Phase Change Material Heat Capacitor: performance reached for an hypersonic glider and industrialisation

8 Oct 2024, 16:30


thermal control technologies Thermal Control


JP Collette (Walopt)


The use of a Phase Change Material Heat accumulator is becoming a first choice for thermal engineers. After a successful flight on-board Ariane 6 maiden flight, implementations in a future low-cost private European launcher and an hypersonic glider, the use of this passive heat absorber has become the final choice of trade-off with other thermal systems. In particular, the performance, reached in a DLR facility, of an hybrid heat storage device will be presented. Industrialisation is also a must for further usage in applications such as constellations and generic LEO platforms. A family of "off the shelves" devices has been defined. But, the choice of additive manufacturing also allows easy adaptation of the design, especially the thermal and mechanical interfaces.

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