8–10 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

LISA Phasemeter: Thermal Design and Phase Readout Performance

8 Oct 2024, 17:30


thermal testing Thermal Testing


Ms Alicia López Jaén (AEI-Hannover) José Ogalde (AEI Hannover) Pablo Martínez Cano (AEI)Mr Sergio Lozano Althammer (AEI-Hannover)


On 25 January 2024, the LISA project was formally adopted by ESA as the next L-Class Mission in the Cosmic Visio Programme. The LISA mission´s primary objective is to measure gravitational waves in the 0.1 mHz to 1 Hz frequency band using heterodyne laser interferometry. The Phase Measurement Subsystem (PMS) is a core payload instrument responsible for the phase extraction of the interferometric signals with microradian precision. Achieving the necessary precision in thermal vacuum posed a significant technological challenge. Thermal noise in the sub-system interface with the platform couples into the phase and timing noise performance, potentially compromising the instrument’s performance. Therefore, the PMS thermomechanical design must effectively reducing thermal noise while complying with a flight instrument’s structural and reliability requirements. A flight-like PMS has been modelled, analysed, manufactured, and tested at the AEI in Hannover. The PMS performance was verified across different set points within its operating temperature range. Transfer function measurements were also conducted to determine the coupling coefficients between temperature and phase fidelity within the LISA observation band. This talk presents the latest results and upcoming activities.

Primary author


Ms Alicia López Jaén (AEI-Hannover) José Ogalde (AEI Hannover) Mr Sergio Lozano Althammer (AEI-Hannover)

Presentation materials