8–10 Oct 2024
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

A STOP Analysis workflow. Application to a lunar satellite

10 Oct 2024, 12:30


thermal design (for platforms, instruments etc.) Thermal Design


Daniel Navajas Ortega (Ansys)


The behavior of optical instruments on a satellite performing observation missions is critical, especially for scientific purposes where measurements stability is essential for data validity. However, accurately characterizing the impact of the environment on lenses is complex.
Conducting robust and accurate Structural Thermal and Optical Performance (STOP) analysis can be challenging and time-consuming, often requiring manual transfer and optical modeling through multiple software packages or in-house codes. We propose a solution that interconnects several programs, starting from the orbital mission model to optics and thermo-stress analyses, to better understand the impact of the environment on the system.
During a previous study the nominal optical train of a standard 3U Cube Sat was designed for a LEO. However, to obtain similar results when the satellite orbits the Moon, further development and additional components like heaters could be necessary for the successful completion of the mission.
To perform the analysis, first, a lunar orbit is chosen for the satellite based on the region of the moon to be monitored. That orbit is then imported to calculate the thermal behavior of the satellite, including the environmental heat loads. The resulting temperatures are mapped to a mechanical model, to obtain the thermal stresses in the structure and optics. Finally, the thermal and deformation results are imported back to the optical tool, where the impact on the optic train is studied.
The obtained temperatures are lower than those of a LEO, so to correctly design the optic train, it has been proven that further developments are needed, and the nominal state should be redesigned.

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