18–20 Oct 2016
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

(On the way to) Success Stories From Non-Space Domains

19 Oct 2016, 17:15
Newton Conference Center (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))

Newton Conference Center

European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH - The Netherlands


Dr Francisco J. Cazorla (IIIA-CSIC and BSC)Mr Jon Perez (IK4-IKERLAN)


The development of mixed-criticality systems that integrate applications of different criticality (e.g., safety) in a single embedded system can provide multiple benefits such as product cost-size-weight reduction, reliability increase and scalability. However, the integration of applications of different levels of criticality in a single embedded system leads to several challenges with respect to current safety certification standards. During the last 6 years, within several European research projects, IK4-IKERLAN has leaded the definition of several research level ‘safety concepts’ for different safety standards (e.g., IEC-61508 industrial, EN-5012X railway, ISO-26262 automotive) assessed by external certification authorities. Each ‘safety concept’ describes, for a given safety application, the safety techniques and strategies that enable the usage of multicore devices with or without hypervisors (e.g. XtratuM). The analysis, definition and external assessment of such strategies and techniques, has paved the way towards current industrial projects: (1) we have integrated multicore and hypervisor technology into a wind-turbine control system; (2) we are developing an IEC-61508 mixed-criticality protection system based on a COTS multicore device and (3) we are collaborating on exporting and extending the lessons learnt from the integrated architectures to other sectors such as railway domain. This talk will dig deeper into the aforementioned technical topics and explain IK4-IKERLAN roadmap to a successful research and industrial developments story.

Presentation materials