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Simulating the Beginning of the Congestion-Tipping Period for Earth Orbits

25 Oct 2017, 17:00
Multimedia Library (ESTEC)

Multimedia Library


ESTEC Keplerlaan 1 Noordwijk


Michel van Pelt (ESA)


Earth Orbits are a finite resource. Understandably, this statement is difficult to fathom given the vastness of space, yet Earth orbits are not infinite regions in this vastness. This study proves that Earth orbits are a limited, natural resource and goes on to construct a quantitatve model to estimate the beginning of the period beyond which it would be detrimental for satellites to continue mission operations in an Earth orbit due to increasing population (spacecrafts + space debriis) in these orbits. The study applies the model to Sun Synchrnous Orbits (SSO) in the 450-1000 km belt to demostrate the workings and interpretation of the simulation. This model is a first of its kind and far from being optimal. It is hope that this research paves the way for future developments to this model & introduces a new, much-needed perspective on how we view 'growth in the space sector'.

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