Masanobu Ozaki
ASTRO-H is next Japanese X-ray astronomy observatory satellite scheduled to be launched in 2015. The orbit is LEO passing through the SAA several times a day, and scientific instruments have sensitivity for not only X-rays but also charged particles. The simulations of detector responses for such incidents and secondaries due to in-orbit activation are thus required forvscientific success, and we are developing Geant4 based Monte Carlo simulator.
The simulator include not only the scientific detectors but also full geometry of the satellite. In addition to the geometry, this also has celestial X-ray source, background charged particle generator and detector output parts. The simulator will be supplied to science working group and used for pre-launch background estimation.
For the background simulation, activation study has an important role. We have investigated several physics processes for CdTe detecter beam experiments, and had quite good results especially for continuum level representation. This should help to make better in-orbit BGD prediction.
Primary author
Masanobu Ozaki