indico will be upgraded to the latest version on Tuesday 30th July. It may be unavailable all day.

17–20 Jun 2018
Leuven, Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone
On-site registration will be possible on Monday, June 18, 08:30 to 10:00

Overview of ST Space Qualification in 28nm-FDSOI

20 Jun 2018, 11:20


Dr Gilles Gasiot (ST Radiation Team Crolles)


The good intrinsic radiation resilience of the 28nm-FDSOI technology was demonstrated and reported by ST in 2014. The full space compliance of the ST industrial design platform has additionally required a wide deployment in terms of proprietary radiation modeling, design mitigation and extensive testing against protons, heavy ions and gamma rays. This overview presents 100 new space IPs in 28nm-FDSOI (std cells, memories, serdes, converters, PLLs, analog IPs, sensors) whose space qualifications are being completed by ST thru 25 existing testchips. Last, but not least, the concurrent design of new best-in-class space SoC (ARM-R52, FPGA) is also illustrated in ST 28nm-FDSOI.

Primary author

Dr Gilles Gasiot (ST Radiation Team Crolles)

Presentation materials

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