indico will be upgraded to the latest version on Tuesday 30th July. It may be unavailable all day.

17–20 Jun 2018
Leuven, Belgium
Europe/Brussels timezone
On-site registration will be possible on Monday, June 18, 08:30 to 10:00


AMICSA 2018 Sponsorship



Sponsor opportunity Cost Commit


Poster/Postcard/Web/Registration Banner, Name and Logo along with Promotion at AMICSA Opening Comments €3000 _________


Company name/logo will appear on signage in the Conference Area for breaks and lunches and appear on the web

Monday, June 18th a.m. and p.m. breaks €1000 ________

Monday, June 18th lunch €1500 ________

Monday, June 18th reception €1000 ________

Tuesday, June 19th a.m. and p.m. breaks €1000 ________

Tuesday, June 19th lunch €1500 ________

Wednesday, June 20th a.m. break €750 ________

Wednesday, June 20th lunch €1500 ________


VAT will be added.




Contact Person:________________________________________________________________




City: __________________________________ ZIP ___________________________________


Telephone: ______________________________Email:__________________________________


Payment in FULL is required upon receipt of form. Purchase Orders are NOT accepted


Payment is provided via:


Bank account: Imec vzw - BE16 2300 0285 7274 – GEBABEBB - 230-0028572-74- BNP Paribas/Fortis, Naamsesteenweg 173-175, 3001 Heverlee


Enclosed check (made payable to IMEC). If paying by check, mail to: Hilde Derdin – IMEC IC-link – Kapeldreef 75 – 3001 Leuven - Belgium


American Express ___ Mastercard ___ Visa ___


Amount being authorized:________________


Credit card #_______________________________ Expiration date: ___________


Cardholder name____________________________ Signature ___________________________


Address___________________________________ Tel # ____________________


If using credit card mail to: