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25–27 Feb 2019
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

On-Board Data Reduction Software in CHEOPS

26 Feb 2019, 16:00
Erasmus (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

ESTEC (European Space Research & Technology Centre) Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)71 565 6565
Oral presentation Data Reduction and Compression Data Reduction and Compression


Dr Roland Ottensamer (University of Vienna)


CHEOPS, the Characterizing Exoplanets Satellite, is a Swiss-led ESA-S mission to be launched in early 2019. It is an optical space telescope in a polar orbit to carry out ultra-high precision photometry providing radii of transiting exoplanets.

The University of Vienna (UVIE) together with PnP Software have developed the Instrument Flight Software (IFSW). This software controls the instrument and processes the science data in real time. It is a fully-fledged ECSS software implementing over 100 ECSS TM/TC services. The implementation of the services and the state machines is aided by the CORDET framework library. The data processing tasks on the 'system side' range from recognition of the target star and providing centroiding information to the spacecraft in a closed loop to thermal control and a wealth of FDIR procedures. On the 'science side', we have implemented a very flexible on-board data processing chain with heritage from the Herschel on-board reduction software, which combines lossy and lossless compression tasks in a way that allows us to optimize the scientific content given the limited telemetry resources.

The IFSW is tightly fit to the flight hardware, which uses a GR712RC dual-core LEON3 with 64 MiB RAM and 16 GiB of FLASH. SpaceWire interfaces are used toward the detector unit and the communication to the S/C is via Milbus. No operating system is used, instead we are working directly on the hardware, with both cores operating in parallel.

We will present the approach that we took towards specification, design, implementation and qualification, talk about the lessons learned and what we are going to re-use or change for our current SW development projects, especially for SMILE.

The complete CHEOPS IFSW sources are available under GPL2 license.


Overview of the CHEOPS on-board data reduction software.

Paper submission Yes

Primary author

Dr Roland Ottensamer (University of Vienna)


Dr Christian Reimers (University of Vienna) Mr Armin Luntzer (University of Vienna) Prof. Franz Kerschbaum (University of Vienna) Mr Philipp Löschl (University of Vienna) Dr Alessandro Pasetti (PnP Software GmbH)

Presentation materials