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25–27 Feb 2019
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

AIR hypervisor using RTEMS SMP

25 Feb 2019, 16:10
Erasmus (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))


European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

ESTEC (European Space Research & Technology Centre) Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)71 565 6565
Oral presentation On-Board Data Processing Systems and Architectures On-Board Data Processing Systems and Architectures


Bruno Gomes (GMV)


The new RTEMS version 5 provides full support for SMP on real-time space applications. GMV with its TSP/IMA AIR hypervisor virtualizes RTEMS 5 and fully supports RTEMS SMP implementation on multicore On-board Computers, opening a door to optimal performant solutions for the application of Remote Terminal Units and also in Buses & Communication protocols.

GMV with AIR is currently developing two major use cases demonstrating these capabilities using both the GR-740 and NGMP (N2X) On-board computers using the LEON4 multicore processor.

The first use case is being developed under ESA’s MORA-TSP (Multicore Implementation of the On-Board Software Reference Architecture with IMA Capability) activity, AIR is used as the hypervisor of an upgrade to ESA’s EagleEye virtual space mission, within the activity the execution platform of the On-Board Software Reference Architecture (OSRA) as defined by the SAVOIR Advisory Group is upgraded to support TSP, SMP.

The second use case is being developed under ESA’s GNSSW-LEON4 for Space LEON4) activity, an on-board Software Defined Radio GNSS receiver has been implemented for the GR-740 LEON4 Onboard-Computer GNSS harnessing the usage of multi-core through RTEMS SMP and AIR hypervisor.

The preliminary results of both use cases will be presented comparing AIR with RTEMS in SMP and AMP modes, where several new partition and data handling scenarios were built as consequence of supporting SMP inside a partition.

Under the same activities, GMV updgraded the IO Partition where it will be showcased AIR’s specialized dedicated communications partition and how it is useful when providing data to multiple subsequent independent OBDH partitions. The new IO Partition is currently supporting Spacewire, Ethernet, 1553 and CAN bus

Based on the acquired experience on both use cases with the new IO solution, new possible data handling scenarios were identified given the flexibility of specifying tasks dedicated to a single or multiple processor cores with TSP scheduling, allowing a more efficient management of the multiple independent OBDH applications communications executed on a single multicore computer.


The new RTEMS version 5 provides full support for SMP on real-time space applications. GMV with its TSP/IMA AIR hypervisor virtualizes RTEMS 5 and fully supports RTEMS SMP implementation on multicore On-board Computers, opening a door to optimal performant solutions for the application of Remote Terminal Units and also in Buses & Communication protocols.

Paper submission Yes

Primary authors

Daniel Silveira (GMV) Bruno Gomes (GMV)

Presentation materials