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9–11 Apr 2018
European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
PLEASE READ ME: public presentations (made available by the presenters) posted on website - for the presentations not available and/or password protected, a public version was not made available by the presenters.

Implementation of Visual Based Navigation in a CPU-FPGA architecture for planetary landing

10 Apr 2018, 16:00
Newton 1 and 2 (European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC))

Newton 1 and 2

European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands


Mr Joao Oliveira (Spin.Works)


The work presented in this article is the product of an activity with the objective of further develop and flight test visual based navigation (VBN) and hazard detection and avoidance (HDA) algorithms to serve the needs of future Mars and other planetary missions and raise them to a technology readiness level (TRL) of 5 (“critical function verification in a relevant environment”). The Zynq-7020 SoC was selected as the hardware platform for development. Being a dual-core architecture, one CPU was fully dedicated to the VBN, enabling the development of a fast and efficient software design, whilst leaving the second CPU dedicated to flight and mission control systems. The co-processing FPGA was programmed to handle both the required on-board sensor interfaces and the processing IP blocks that compose the VBN hardware accelerators. This work presents the performance results comparing the CPU-only version of VBN with the CPU+FPGA approach, taking into account a target frame rate of 10Hz. Performance is measured not only in terms of processing speed, but also in terms of algorithm performance degradation and impact on the navigation accuracy.

Primary author

Mr Joao Oliveira (Spin.Works)


Carlos Posse (Spin.Works) Mr Francisco Camara (Spin.Works) Mr Jose Canilho (Spin.Works) Mr Tiago Hormigo (Spin.Works)

Presentation materials

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