Daniel Elftmann
Space Electronic designers have long desired to have the same capability that terrestrial based electronic system designers have for adaptation, improvement, and flexibility in their digital signal processing architecture. The initial Xilinx Virtex-5 SRAM based Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology was introduced into the terrestrial marketplace in 2007. The work on the Virtex-5QV devices with Radiation Hardened By Design (RHBD) elements began earlier (2005) than the Virtex-5 commercial product market introduction. The additional work to complete the Virtex-5QV (SIRF- Single-event Immune Reconfigurable FPGA) RHBD modifications and required qualification testing led to a space market introduction of this technology in 2012. The Xilinx Virtex-5QV (SIRF), currently in use in both commercial and military satellite programs, delivers high system reliability together with advanced flexibility and processing capability in a RHBD product. Today the Virtex-5QV product delivers excellent SEU characteristics with on-orbit reconfiguration capabilities. However, as the pace of satellite electronic designs continue to require increasing levels of high performance on-board signal processing, the space market now needs increased levels of performance, integration, and I/O capabilities. In November of 2017, Xilinx announced the plans to deliver the next generation of radiation tolerant FPGA technology for future space electronic systems. The commercial 20nm TSMC Kintex UltraScale devices have performed well in Single Event Effect testing performed by Xilinx, NASA, and Sandia National Laboratories. With no identified need for additional RHBD modifications, the Kintex UltraScale technology for next generation space electronic architectures is targeted for market availability in late 2019, just 5 years after first shipment of the technology for commercial terrestrial applications.
In this session, Xilinx Space System Architect, Daniel Elftmann will walk through product architecture, SEE characteristics, and eco-system developments associated with the next Xilinx Space product, which will be the XQRKU060-CNA1509 device.
Xilinx Next Generation On-orbit reconfigurable Kintex UltraScale (XQRKU060-CNA1509) for Space
Primary author
Daniel Elftmann