- Christian POIVEY (ESA)
Thomas Lange
(IROC Technologies)
4/10/18, 10:20 AM
Due to the technology scaling, more and more complex applications can be implemented on configurable devices, such as the new Xilinx FPGAs and MP-SoCs. In addition, devices manufactured in new process technologies, e.g. FD-SOI and FinFet, show a much lower sensitivity to Single Event Effects than previous generation bulk processes. These aspects and their affordable cost, especially in...
Antonios Tavoularis
(European Space Agency)
4/10/18, 10:45 AM
The higher performance requirements of the upcoming space missions and the availability of highly integrated processing solutions, such as the Xilinx all-programmable SoC, calls for an increase in the use of COTS devices and software-defined applications. SEE characterization of these devices is at the same time a necessity and a challenge, because they present difficulties that are either not...