Nov 12 – 16, 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Radiation Effects Hardness Assurance for space mission

Nov 13, 2018, 9:30 AM
Newton 1-2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 1-2


Keplerlaan 1, 2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands
Mitigation and hardening Mitigation and Hardening


Dr Stephen Buchner (United States Naval Research Laboratory)


The approach used to ensure that parts will meet performance requirements for a mission operating in a radiation environment will be discussed. First part
will mostly focus on Single Event Effect Hardness Assurance. A particular mission will be used to illustrate the method. Second part will develop total ionizing dose (TID) and displacement damage (DD) hardness assurance.
Rationale for defining Radiation Design Margin (RDM) requirements will be presented. Systematic errors and uncertainties on the different inputs needed to define the TID and DD RDM will be discussed.

Primary author

Dr Stephen Buchner (United States Naval Research Laboratory)

Presentation materials