Nov 12 – 16, 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Contribution List

46 / 46
Dr Raoul Velazco (Université Grenoble - TIMA), Dr Gregoire Deprez (ESA)
11/12/18, 9:00 AM
11/12/18, 10:30 AM
Mr Christian POIVEY (ESA)
11/12/18, 11:00 AM
Mr Agustin Fernandez-Leon (ESA/ESTEC)
11/14/18, 9:30 AM
Mitigation and hardening
Dr Juan Clemente (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
11/14/18, 5:00 PM
Tests and simulations
Sung Chung (QRT Inc.)
11/15/18, 11:00 AM
Mitigation and hardening
Dr José Ramón González (ESA/ESTEC), Dr Carsten Baur (ESA/ESTEC)
11/15/18, 2:30 PM
Mitigation and hardening
Alessandra Costantino (ESA-ESTEC), Michele Muschitiello (ESA-ESTEC TEC-QEC), Dr Jaime Estela (Spectrum ARC GmbH)
11/15/18, 3:30 PM
Prof. Frédéric WROBEL (University Montpellier 2 - IES)
11/16/18, 9:30 AM
Mr Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN)
11/16/18, 2:30 PM
Commercial Off-The-Shelf components
Dr Karin Lundmark (ESA)
11/16/18, 3:30 PM
Commercial Off-The-Shelf components
Dr Raoul Velazco (Laboratoire TIMA), Dr Gregoire Deprez (ESA)
11/16/18, 4:00 PM