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23–25 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Guidance, Navigation & Control building blocks for Space Servicing Vehicles and Active Debris Removal missions

24 Oct 2018, 14:00
Erasmus building (ESTEC)

Erasmus building


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Active Debris Removal & Space Servicing Vehicles Active Debris removal and Space Servicing Vehicle


Dr Jesus Gil (ESA/ESTEC)


ESA has performed feasibility analysis on a proposed baseline GNC system during a CDF study to design a Space Servicing Vehicle. The main objective of the GNC design is to be able to serve multiple missions with minor adaptations. This is achieved by defining a common rendezvous and capture/docking strategy and sensor suite. Based on ATV experience and previous studies a common framework for the definition of the GNC functionalities is proposed, being the main difference between missions the distances to the target. The significant differences between cooperative and uncooperative rendezvous and/or the mission requirements are absorbed by close proximity navigation and guidance algorithms. It worth noting that the proposed baseline reuse most all the algorithms and only different configuration parameters are needed to adapt from one mission to another. High-fidelity simulation of the most important building blocks (image processing, on-board navigation) has being used to confirm preliminary feasibility for the scenarios considered in the CDF. Some examples are camera-based LOS-only relative navigation outside the Keep-Out Sphere, or camera-based relative pose estimation navigation using control-points in the outer envelope of the target satellite.

Primary author

Dr Jesus Gil (ESA/ESTEC)


Dr Guillermo Ortega (ESA) Lukas Steindorf (European Space Agency) Eric Reinthal (European Space Agency)

Presentation materials