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23–25 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Demisable Tank

24 Oct 2018, 16:40
Erasmus building (ESTEC)

Erasmus building


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Technologies for Space Debris Mitigation Space Debris Mitigation


Mr Sylvain Goek (ArianeGroup)


In this abstract the final results on the ESA TRP study (ITT AO/1-8301) “demiseable Propellant Tanks Materials and Technologies” are presented.

The replacement of Titanium with an aluminium alloy is confirmed to be the most promising approach given the major impact in terms of tank demiseability. Based on the design trade-off, which was confirmed by the material testing performed, it was concluded that the best approach will be to focus on conventional technologies, available from launchers (e.g. 2219 alloy, TIG welding), so that LEO platform evolutions can be achieved with a reduced effort and at minimum risks. The report presents the results of the material tests performed (demise characteristics, compatibility with hydrazine, PMD wettability) and provide a set of recommendation for future developments.

Primary author

Mr Sylvain Goek (ArianeGroup)

Presentation materials