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23–25 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Active Debris Removal : a possible solution for Mega constellations

23 Oct 2018, 17:00
Erasmus building (ESTEC)

Erasmus building


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Active Debris Removal & Space Servicing Vehicles Active Debris removal and Space Servicing Vehicle


Mrs carole Billot (Thales Alenia Space)


The announcement of mega-constellations reinforces the debris issue and the need for operators to address the problem of removal of failed spacecraft from orbit. Future satellites shall be compliant with Space Debris Mitigation requirements. In any case, failure before end-of-life could occur, endangering the capability for the satellites to respect those requirements, with increasing collision risk and detrimental effect on operators’ constellation business.
With the number of operating satellites increasing, solutions for mega-constellations have been compared from increasing reliability to in-orbit servicing or removal in the frame of the ESA phase 0 study.
The most cost effective Active Debris Removal solutions have been identified with the associated impact on the constellation business plan.

Primary author

Mrs carole Billot (Thales Alenia Space)

Presentation materials