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16–17 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Registration is open!

Additive manufacturing of high permittivity ceramic-based RF filters

17 Oct 2018, 11:30
Newton 1&2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 1&2


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands


Mr Dominik Reichartzeder (Lithoz GmbH)


Dielectric materials can be found in RF/microwave filters for a wide range of industrial applications. Compared with other technologies, dielectric resonator (DR) filters offer a perfect balance between performance and miniaturization. These structures are capable of handling high-power levels while providing a quality factor (Q) comparable to that of pure waveguide implementations. In addition, the overall volume of the component is significantly reduced thanks to the use of dielectric materials. For that reason, these filters are emerging as the baseline design for many RF filters used in wireless and satellite applications. Due to the difficulty in machining ceramic blocks, the shapes of the dielectric objects included in RF/microwave filters are usually simple: rods, pucks, rectangular blocks, etc. However, the successful development of additive manufacturing (AM) processes for ceramic materials has opened up new geometrical configurations for filter designers to explore. Consequently, we can expect significant advances in key fields for the space industry due to the additional geometry flexibility provided by AM. Novel RF filter structures optimized for the AM of ceramics, manufactured out of different ceramic materials with permitivities will be presented. A comparison of metallization techniques for ceramic filters and the corresponding results for a monoblock 2-pole TM DR filter out of alumina will be given. Practical considerations on the designing of different ceramic-based RF-filters manufactured with the LCM technology will be explained.

Why your contribution is relevant for the event?

Additive manufacturing of ceramic is within AM a quite novel branch. The LCM process of Lithoz enables the manufacture of dense ceramics of high precision and reproducibility. As the experts on AM oc ceramics, we will promote the capabilities of the combination of AM and ceramics for RF applications.
Th presentations will show the current possibilities with this technique and broadens the field of AM in RF towards ceramics.

Primary authors

Dr Carlos Carceller (Technical University of Graz) Mr Dominik Reichartzeder (Lithoz GmbH) Dr Fabrizio Gentili (Technical University of Graz) Dr Martin Schwentenwein (Lithoz GmbH) Wolfgang Boesch (Technical University of Graz)

Presentation materials

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