Oct 16 – 17, 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Registration is open!

After a successful first edition for the Industry Days – Additive Manufacturing for RF/Microwave hardware, we have initiated the preparation of a second edition.

Our main purpose is to trigger the discussion regarding the manufacturing of RF/Microwave parts using additive manufacturing. We are sure that, considering the multi-disciplinary environment we will have, the discussion will be very fruitful.

The format for the Industry Days is the same than previous edition. We will have presentations distributed in two days. To build the agenda, we will open a period for a call for abstract where any potential presenter can summarise the scope of the talk and the benefit for the community.

Based on the abstract the Organising Committee will create the programme.

The event does not have any cost for the participants but we will need you to register through our website.

Looking forward to seeing you at ESA-ESTEC.

The Organising Committee

Newton 1&2
Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands
Registration for this event is currently open.