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16–17 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Registration is open!

3D Printed Complex Electromagnetic Structures

16 Oct 2018, 11:30
Newton 1&2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 1&2


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands


Mrs Karina Vieira Hoel (FFI)


The inherent design flexibility provided by 3D printing provides an opportunity to design and manufacture microwave components with complex structures and improved overall performance. New requirements, especially for expendable unmanned systems in electronic warfare applications, constantly increase the demand on RF/Microwave devices. Meeting these demands is the main motivation for our recent work. These devices need to provide wideband coverage with good impedance match, stable and symmetrical radiation patterns at high power levels, and increased flexibility, compactness, light weight, conformability, and high levels of monolithic integration at low manufacturing costs.

Specifically, we have developed a 3D printed broadband 6-18GHz beamforming Rotman lens system, capable of scanning over +/- 30 degrees. Moreover, we have worked on improving wideband horn antenna performance in addition to monolithic fabrication and integration. During this work a number of challenges in applying additive manufacturing has been encountered, such as printing technologies, assemblies, and material characterization.

The presentation will cover the Rotman lens and horn developments in general, and look at selected topics related to the challenges associated with 3D printing complex microwave components.

Why your contribution is relevant for the event?

I have been working with 3D printing for fabrication of RF and microwave devices for the past 3 years. I believe, my experience can help others with their design challenges.

Primary author

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