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16–17 Oct 2018
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Registration is open!

Metal-Coated 3D-Printed Technology for Low loss, Weight and Cost Distribution Networks in Antennas at Millimeter Wave Bands

16 Oct 2018, 12:30
Newton 1&2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 1&2


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands


Dr Jose Manuel Fernandez Gonzalez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)


The rapid evolution of the 3D printing technology is currently being used in a wide range of engineering applications and has led to the development of very promising 3D electromagnetic structures for millimetre-wave devices in recent years. The researcher community and the industry have focused their attention on this additive manufacturing (AM). 3D printing technique is a novel fabrication process for polymer, metal, and ceramic materials. This technique is an attractive option for innovative and complex part fabrication, customization, compact size, rapid prototyping, lightweight, low cost and mass production time.
This contribution will present a comparison of various metal-coated stereolithography 3D-printed waveguide devices using groove gap waveguide technology, WR10 and WR28. Simulation and prototype measurements will be presented as S-parameter results at millimeter-wave bands. Performances in terms of feasibility, materials selection, metal coating thickness, roughness, losses and weight will be also discussed.

Why your contribution is relevant for the event?

Our contribution will help to define some guidelines of metal-coated stereolithography 3D-printed devices for millimeter-wave applications. Also, we will show performances in terms of feasibility, materials selection, metal coating thickness, roughness, losses and weight

Primary authors

Mr Adrián Tamayo Domínguez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Dr Jose Manuel Fernandez Gonzalez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Prof. Manuel Sierra Pérez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.