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25–28 May 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Integrated supply chain for Power IC in BCD6s SOI for ASIC and ASSP

25 May 2021, 15:50


Virtual Event
oral presentation Radiation-hardened technologies for analogue and mixed-signal ICs Radiation-hardened technologies for analogue ICs


Mr Thibault BRUNET (STMicroelectronics)


The key features of the BCD6s SOI technology and the radiation performances measured on 4 rad-hard power ICs designed in this technology are presented, followed by an overview of the rad-hard design platform developed within these programs, including the hardened library and rad-hard hard IPs. The supply chain options up to the delivery of QML-V products assembled in high dissipation packages are introduced, with then a perspective on a possible ecosystem for the developments of BCD6s SOI rad-hard Power ASIC and ASSP.

Primary authors

Mr Thibault BRUNET (STMicroelectronics) Salvatore Pappalardo (STMicroelectronics)

Presentation materials