Presentation materials
This paper presents the measurement circuits and simulation results of Single-Event Transients (SET) in a commercial 65nm CMOS technology. The measurements contain two parts: total SET ionized charge and SET pulse duration. Single transistors of different types and dimensions were implemented as victim devices. Additionally, SET variation due to different supply voltage was investigated. The...
We present the electrical and radiation results (Total Ionizing Dose) of a Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) for space applications implemented in Microchip’s rad-hard 150nm CMOS-SOI process (ATMX150RHA). This PWM is operating with clock signal (externally or internally generated) ranging from 100kHz to 1MHz and its output stage can source and sink high peak currents (up to 2.5A) with capacitive...
The radiation characterisation results of the GNSS Front-end SY1009 are presented.
The SY1009 is manufactured in the IHP 250nm SiGe process and characterised for SEE and TID radiation behaviour.
The RF front-end, synthesiser and IF signal processing chain has been monitored during the radiation tests. No radiation latch-up and functional interrupts events have been observed. For the TID...
The Space Industry is strongly increasing its commitment to the use of Commercial Off-The Shelf (COTS) components to face and cover the massive production of satellites. Currently, many of the requirements of space applications can only be met by using commercial components. Designing systems with them has the advantage of reducing costs, as they are usually cheap devices that give flexibility...
The needs for increasingly low cost, low space occupancy and
reduced weight in the space industry have made mixed-signal
ASIC integration mandatory.
The aim of the contract was to develop, qualify and deliver
the flight models of the mixed Analog/Digital ASIC, named
ACCORC7 or IM485A for the CODECHAMP Company. It is
a high resolution optical encoder and polarimetric position