Oct 8 – 10, 2019
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Compact and lightweight two-phase pumped cooling system with 3D printed aluminium components

Oct 9, 2019, 4:30 PM
Newton 1

Newton 1

two-phase heat transport technology 2-Phase Heat Transport Technology


Dr Henk Jan van Gerner (NLR)


The amount of waste heat that is generated in electronic components in aerospace application is increasing because of higher electrical power demands. As a result, conventional cooling methods are not able to maintain the electronic component below its maximum temperature. For this reason, a two-phase Mechanically Pumped Fluid Loop has been developed for high-power electronic components in a commercial aerospace application. These electronic components generate a waste heat of 1200 W that is divided over several hotspots while the temperature gradient over the component has to be kept to a minimum. The developed cooling system uses R245fa as refrigerant and is made from aluminium components produced with additive manufacturing. The use of this novel production technique results in an unprecedented low system mass (2.5 kg) and small system dimensions. Measurements show that the system has an excellent thermal performance and is able to cool 2400W.

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