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12–14 Nov 2019
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

UNION working group report

12 Nov 2019, 10:35
Tennis Hall (Escape Building) (ESA/ESTEC)

Tennis Hall (Escape Building)


Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands


Mr Brice Dellandréa (Thales Alenia Space)Mr Christophe Honvault (ESA)


The SAVOIR-UNION Working Group aims at defining the functional, performance and interface requirements of the Avionics System Reference Architecture functional links. The status of the Working Group will be presented.
The OSRA Network Communication Specification aims to provide a set of high-level, generic requirements for modern and forthcoming avionic systems in a technology-agnostic way. Most of the currently available network technologies (e.g., SpaceWire, Ethernet, etc...) require complex upper layer protocols to fulfil the OSRA-NET requirements. The goal of this work is to assess the compatibility of link solutions with OSRA-NET, with a special focus on the Quality of Service and the Fault Detection and Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) requirements.

Presentation materials