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20–22 Oct 2020
Virtual Workshop
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Advanced Data Handling Architecture

22 Oct 2020, 13:40
Virtual Workshop

Virtual Workshop


Advanced Data Handling Architecture

  • Olivier Mourra
  • Ali Zadeh
  • Wahida Gasti (ESA-ESTEC - TEC Directorate - On-Board Computer, Platform and Payload Data Handling Systems)


ADHA concept has raised along to a study performed by two consortium led by TAS and RUAG/ADS primes.  Its concept and resulting backplane selection i.e. cPCI serial Space adopted by 32 stakeholders are well mapped to several trends shaping the development of future on highly integrated spacecraft CDHS allowing the execution of multiple software applications sharing common set of hardware modules.
It is proposed to have a session at the ADCSS 2020 dedicated to ADHA. The two consortium will present the results of the study, the possible future family of ADHA products and finally the space applications that are targeted with these products. This session will also be a global forum giving the possibility to the participants to exchange about ADHA and the perspectives it opens.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
22/10/2020, 13:40
Mr Juergen Herpel (Airbus Defence & Space)
22/10/2020, 14:00
Mr Dario Pascucci (Thales Alenia Space), Mr Jan Johansson (RUAG), Mr Julian Bozler (Airbus Defence & Space)
22/10/2020, 14:15
Mr Julian Bozler (Airbus Defence & Space)
22/10/2020, 14:55
Mr Dario Pascucci (Thales Alenia Space)
22/10/2020, 15:20
Olivier Mourra (ESA-ESTEC - TEC Directorate - Head of On-Board Computer, Platform and Payload Data Handling Systems Section Electrical System Engineer)
22/10/2020, 15:45
Building timetable...