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20–22 Oct 2020
Virtual Workshop
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


The implementation of AI application on spacecraft On-Board Computers and Data Handling Systems

22 Oct 2020, 16:10
Virtual Workshop

Virtual Workshop


The implementation of AI application on spacecraft On-Board Computers and Data Handling Systems

  • Olivier Mourra (ESA-ESTEC - TEC Directorate - On-Board Computer, Platform and Payload Data Handling Systems)
  • Ali Zadeh


The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and embedded systems (ES) on terrestrial applications are creating a revolution in the domain of computer science, communications and information technology with diverse engineering applications.
For Space applications, a large number of new applications thanks to the use of artificial intelligence and Machine learning are today investigated for future spacecraft.

It is proposed to have at the ADCSS 2020 a specific session about on-board AI/ML applications for launchers and satellites (platform and instruments) and address their implementations in spacecraft computer and data handling systems (CDHS). Some examples of practical implementations and techniques using AI/ML on spacecraft CDHS will be presented. This session will also be a global forum giving the participants the possibility to exchange and share knowledge about current and future research axis in this domain.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Olivier Mourra (ESA-ESTEC - TEC Directorate - Head of On-Board Computer, Platform and Payload Data Handling Systems Section Electrical System Engineer)
22/10/2020, 16:10
Olivier Mourra (ESA-ESTEC - TEC Directorate - Head of On-Board Computer, Platform and Payload Data Handling Systems Section Electrical System Engineer)
22/10/2020, 18:25
Building timetable...