18–20 Oct 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Thermal Design of a Spaceborne Deployable SAR Reflector

18 Oct 2022, 17:00


thermal design (for platforms, instruments etc.) Thermal Design


Arne SauerMr Christopher Speidel


The presentation deals with the thermal design of a deployable reflector which is part of a spaceborne SAR payload.
The different sections and components of the payload will be presented and the approaches to deal with the challenges to their thermal design.
The design comprises for instance 3 different composite configurations with different resin systems and manufacturing processes to adapt the design temperature ranges to the different predicted environments.
Also the different coatings and surface treatments of components for thermo-optical property optimisation will be shown, as for instance sand-blasting for infrared emissivity optimisation for sun-exposed metallic surfaces.
The thermal design close to neuralgic interfaces as adhesive layers with limited thermal design range will be explained as well as material choice measures at interfaces to minimise heat loss at temperature sensitive components.
The trade-off based Multi-Layer-Insulation design concept at different payload sections will be presented, as well as the design of the thermal control system in the frame of heater sizing and temperature set-point definition.
Also the aspect of temperature dependant waveguide dissipation as input for the thermal analysis will be demonstrated.

Primary authors

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